samedi 20 mars 2010

More UI controls for the next release

I don’t know who is Sungmoon Cho, but according to linkedin he is JavaFX Product Line Manager at Sun Microsystems.
Some time ago, he has opened
Official JavaFX Feedback Forum to ask us what we are suggesting for JavaFX.
My answers were (the number before the item, is my number of vote for this item):

And recently (on Friday 19th), Sungmoon Cho updated the the JavaFX FeedBack Forum for the following items:
·         Create more native components, like form items, grids and menus.
with the status planned and the comment
"We are adding a lot more UI controls for the next release. Please stay tuned "
·         Quick application
with the status planned and the comment
"We have a dedicated team of people who work on startup performance. We see significant improvement so far, but we know that it should be much faster. We will update you when we have more data "
·         Quick application startup
with the status under review and the comment
"Many people asked this so we are reviewing this item "

lundi 15 mars 2010

JavaFX and JPA 2.0 with my custom component

In this third and last part, we are going to create a small application which dynamically updates the results in the result list when the user types the search word(s) in a text box.
To do that we will re-use the table and the entity created in the part one, the java class created in the part two and my search text box that I've created some time ago (with a small correction).

package javafxjpa2searchtextbox;

import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import customcomponent.SearchTextBox;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import paddy.domain.Music;
import paddy.service.MusicServices;

 * @author Patrick

var listMusic;

var seqMusic:Music[];

var musicServices:MusicServices = MusicServices{};

Stage {
    title: "Application title"
    width: 600
    height: 250
    scene: Scene {
        stylesheets : ["{__DIR__}resources/mac.css"]
        content: [
            Text {
                font: Font {
                    size: 16
                x: 10
                y: 30
                content: "Search DB"
            SearchTextBox {
                translateX: 10
                translateY: 40
                onResetSearch: function () {
                    println("reset !");
                        delete seqMusic;
                onSearch: function (s: String) {
                    println("Search of : {s}");

                    listMusic = musicServices.getArtisteNameBeginingBy(s);
                    delete seqMusic;
                    seqMusic = listMusic.toArray(seqMusic);

            ListView {
                layoutY: 75
                width: 575
                height: 100
                items: bind seqMusic

The key points:
  • Delete the sequence on the onResetSearch event of the SearchTextBox component
    delete seqMusic;
  • Call the getArtisteNameBeginningBy method, delete the sequence and refill it on the onSearch event  of the SearchTextBox component
    listMusic = musicServices.getArtisteNameBeginningBy(s);
    delete seqMusic;
    seqMusic = listMusic.toArray(seqMusic);

Get the NetBeans project           
Note: don’t forget to create (in NetBeans) a library containing the jar DerbyClient.jar and being called DerbyClient.

mardi 2 mars 2010

JavaFX and the Databases with JPA 2.0

In the first part, we have seen how to access data with JPA. In this second part we are going to see how to get data from database with JPA 2.0 and to display them with JavaFX.

To do that we will re-use the table and the entity created in the part one, and we will create a Java class which contains the code to execute the JPA requests.
Let’s go and create the Java class.
The Java class contains one constructor to create the EntityManager and 2 methods:
This method gets all the records from the table and uses the namedQuery findAllAlbum

getArtisteNameBeginningBy(String begining):
This method get all the records from the table where the field artisteName begin by the parameter
For this second method, I use criteria API just because I wanted to test it…
Normally in this case, we don’t have to use criteria API because we don’t need to create dynamically a query and the criteria API was created to build dynamically and safely a query (without to concatenate strings to build a jpql request, like in JPA 1.0).
The best way to do that, is to use directly a jpql request like this

Query query = em.createQuery("select m from Music m where m.artisteName like :param");
query.setParameter("param", param);
List<Music> musics = query.getResultList();

Or, if you want, create another namedQuery in the Entity

   @NamedQuery(name = "findAllAlbum", query= "select m from Music m"),
   @NamedQuery(name = "findAllAlbumWhereArtisteLike",query="select m from Music m where m.artisteName like :param")

And call it like that

Query  query = em.createNamedQuery("findAllAlbumWhereArtisteLike");
query.setParameter("param", param);
List<Music> musics = query.getResultList();

We will not use this method in this part but in the last part.
package paddy.service;

import java.util.List;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;
import javax.persistence.Query;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;
import paddy.domain.Music;

 * @author Patrick
public class MusicServices {

    EntityManagerFactory emf;
    EntityManager em;

    public MusicServices(){
        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("MusicAndLight");
        em = emf.createEntityManager();

    public List<Music> findAll(){

        Query  query = em.createNamedQuery("findAllAlbum");
        List<Music> musics = query.getResultList();

        return musics;

    public List<Music> getArtisteNameBeginningBy(String begining){

        String param = begining+"%";

        CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<Music> query = cb.createQuery(Music.class);
        Root<Music> music = query.from(Music.class);
        query.where(<String>get("artisteName"), param));
        List<Music> musics = em.createQuery(query).getResultList();

        return musics;

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        try {
        } finally {

Now, let’s call this class from javaFX to get the data from the database and to display them in JavaFX

package javafxjpa2basic;

import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import paddy.domain.Music;
import paddy.service.MusicServices;

 * @author Patrick

var listMusic;
var seqMusic:Music[];

var musicServices:MusicServices = MusicServices{};

Stage {
    title: "Application title"
    scene: Scene {
        width: 600
        height: 175
        content: [
            Button {
                text: "Find all the musics"
                action: function() {
                        delete seqMusic;

                        listMusic = musicServices.findAll();
                        seqMusic = listMusic.toArray(seqMusic);                        

                        println("seqMusic: {seqMusic} ");
            ListView {
                layoutY : 50
                 width: 575
                 height : 100
                 items: bind seqMusic
The key points :
  •  Creating an instance of the Java class in JavaFX
    var musicServices:MusicServices = MusicServices{};
  • Calling the findAll method
    listMusic = musicServices.findAll();
  • Converting the java list to a JavaFX sequence
    seqMusic = listMusic.toArray(seqMusic);
  • Binding the sequence to the JavaFX GUI List
    items: bind seqMusic
Note: don’t forget to create (in NetBeans) a library containing the jar DerbyClient.jar and being called DerbyClient.