mercredi 28 octobre 2009

Acquisition de Sun par Oracle – des news !

Oracle publie, sur son site, un nouveau document concernant l’acquisition de Sun.
Ce document parle entre autre :
• Du futur des produits (incluant NetBeans, GlassFish, OpenOffice, VirtualBox , MySQL, …)
• De l’offre Hardware et Software
• Et de l’open source.
Vous pouvez lire ce document ici
Tant que j’y suis, d’autres news de produits Sun (En Early Access ou Beta)
Java ME SDK 3.0 pour Mac OS est disponible ici . On peut enfin tester nos applications JavaFX mobile sur le mac ;)
Et NetBeans 6.8 Beta est disponible ici. Il supporte entre autre GlassFish V3 / Java EE 6 et JavaFX
Je vais enfin pouvoir faire des tests sur Java EE 6 (et GlassFish V3) sans avoir a bidouiller mon NetBeans 6.7.1 ;)

mercredi 14 octobre 2009

JavaFX Custom Component

This is just an example to show how you can create your own component from an existing component (here a TextBox).

For that, I wrote a new UI component which is a search text box like you can have it on Mac OS X. This search text box is just a TextBox enhanced with one method which is called each time you enter or delete a character and a small button to reset the criteria in the search text box.

The only problem is this line

override var style = "padding-right: 25 ";

which is not compatible with common profile, but I don’t know how to do that differently.

You can try this JavaFX custom component in the applet below

 * StatusField.fx
 * Created on 3 oct. 2009, 00:44:26

package customcomponent;

import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.TextBox;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;

import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;

import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;

import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;

 * @author Patrick

public class SearchTextBox extends TextBox {

    public var onResetSearch:function() : Void;
    public var onSearch:function(s: String) : Void;
    override var style = "padding-right: 25 ";

    override var styleClass = "searchTextBox";

    override var onKeyTyped = function(event:KeyEvent){
        if (this.rawText!=""){
    public override function create():Node {
        var t = super.create();
        var resetButton:Group;

        var g = Group {
            content: [
                resetButton = Group {

                  var crossWidth = bind this.layoutBounds.height * 0.45;
                  var crossHeight = bind this.layoutBounds.height * 0.05;

                  visible : bind this.rawText.length() > 0
                  layoutX: bind this.layoutBounds.width - (this.layoutBounds.height / 2.0)
                  layoutY: bind this.layoutBounds.height / 2.0

                    Circle {
                        fill: Color.GRAY
                        radius:  bind this.layoutBounds.height * 0.325 // 65% of the texbox height and div 2 for the radius
                    Rectangle {
                        width: bind crossWidth
                        height:bind crossHeight

                        translateX: bind 0 - crossWidth / 2.0
                        translateY: bind 0 - crossHeight / 2.0

                        fill : Color.WHITE
                        rotate: 45
                    Rectangle {
                        width: bind crossWidth
                        height:bind crossHeight

                        translateX: bind 0 - crossWidth / 2.0
                        translateY: bind 0 - crossHeight / 2.0

                        fill : Color.WHITE
                        rotate: -45

                 onMouseClicked: function (event:MouseEvent ){

       return g;

 * Main.fx
 * Created on 3 oct. 2009, 00:44:05

package customcomponent;

import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;

 * @author Patrick

Stage {
    title: "Application title"
    width: 250
    height: 200
    scene: Scene {
        content: [
            Text {
                font : Font {
                    size : 16
                x: 10
                y: 30
                content: "Search "
            SearchTextBox {
                    translateX :10
                    translateY :40

                        println("reset !");
                    onSearch:function(s: String){
                        println("Search of : {s}");
            Button {
                    text: "just a button to change focus"
                    translateX :10
                    translateY :80
                    action: function() {
                        println("Hello !")